4 Tips to Make Moving Easier

4 Tips to Make Moving EasierSo you’re planning on moving to a new home! Congratulations on your dream home! But now comes the daunting task of moving. It doesn’t have to be such a daunting task. Here are a few tips to make that next move easier:

Use Your Luggage

Confession: I’m a compulsive hoarder of luggage and bags. I have too many but I can’t get rid of them because when you need one I have the perfect one for the occasion. Well guess what? Moving is the perfect opportunity for ALL your bags to get a workout. Use luggage to move clothing, sheets and towels.

The More Boxes the Better

So I’m sure by now you realize you are going to need quite a few boxes to move all your stuff. Boxes are a pain, and they can be expensive. However, don’t get fewer than you need!! You almost always need more than you think you do, and nothing is worse than packing up your stuff and realizing you don’t have enough.

The Last Minute Boxes

On that same subject, set aside a couple of boxes for last minute supplies. The day of your move you’ll need cleaning supplies, toilet paper, packing tape, and packing supplies. Don’t put those in your “ready to move” boxes… because that only leads to another trip to Walmart.

Valuables and Documents

If you’re using a moving company, it would be a good idea to put antiques, heirlooms, collections in your car and move them yourself. Movers are usually very trustworthy, however you don’t want to risk the most valuable and precious things you own with strangers. Same goes for your important documents- ex. Social security cards, birth certificates, bank records, closing papers, and important documents. Keep those handy because it certainly would cause some extra stress on moving day if those were misplaced.

Moving can be stressful, but with some planning and organizing it can be an exciting day rather than a hectic time. For more information on moving, real estate, or the Denton County area contact Sherry Adams here.

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