Winter Homeowner Checklist

Winter Homeowner ChecklistWinter is coming! It’s finally getting colder, Thanksgiving is near, and Christmas is closer than it seems. With all the excitement of the holidays, don’t neglect to take care of your home as well for the coming season. So check off all your winter to do’s off your winter homeowner checklist:


Hopefully you checked out my Fall Homeowner Checklist, and got your fireplace cleaned. And since that fireplace is ready for the cold weather coming, you need to stock up on firewood for the winter. Be sure to secure the firewood underneath a covered area to keep it dry from snow and rain for an easy fire start.

Drain the Gas

In the summertime, there are lots of extra power tools that get used that require gas. To keep your home safe, be sure to drain these power tool’s gas to prevent any potential fire threat.

Check the batteries

Every 3-4 months (or new season) all fire and carbon monoxide detectors need to be tested to assure the batteries are still working. Swap out any old or non-working batteries to keep you and your family safe.

Be prepared

Texas winters are notorious for having at least 1 ice storm a year. This seems to shut down the whole state and you can’t get anywhere. Don’t be stuck without emergency essentials- batteries, bottled water, extra blankets, canned foods, flashlights, candles, and matches. These few essentials will keep you from being stuck in the event of a snow/ice storm.


For more information about keeping your home safe this winter, contact Sherry Adams here.

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