What’s going on in Denton County? 10.26.15

What's going on Spooky Market

Retrieved from DiscoverDenton.com

Halloween is this weekend, and that means tons of festive events for all! Want to know what my picks are for what’s going on for the holiday weekend? Here’s just a couple of my favorites:

Movie in the Park

October 30th, 2015 7:00 pm

Quakertown Park
700 Oakland St.
Denton, Texas 76201

Bring a couple of blankets and chairs to enjoy a showing of Maleficent. The event starts at 7:00 with a marshmallow roast and arts and crafts and after dark the movie will begin (8:00 pm or dusk). Concessions will also be sold at the event, making it the perfect family evening! For more information click here.

Trick or Treat Around the Square

October 30th, 2015 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm

Historic Downtown Denton Square
110 W. Hickory St.
Denton, Texas 76201

Looking for a fun place to take kiddos trick or treating? Take them to the Denton Square Friday night to let them trick or treat around all of the awesome businesses on the square. There will be over 50 businesses open for the kids to do their trick or treating, and it is all within a 3 block distance! To see the list of participating businesses and a map of their location check out the website here.

Spooky Market

October 31st, 2015 9:00 am -1:00 pm

Denton County Historical Park
317 W Mulberry St.
Denton, Texas 76201

Spooky Market is held along with the weekly Denton Community Market! There will be trick or treating for the little ones, a dog contest for your furry friends, and a treasure hunt for all. Additionally there will be the weekly vendors ready to sell their handmade products. For more information check out the website here.

If you want to know more about what’s going on in Denton County check out the Discover Denton website or if you want to spend your weekend shopping for a home or selling your home, contact Sherry Adams.

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